
Showing posts from April, 2019

Lab 24

For this lab we had create a custom video player. We had to choose a video, which we could have the link to that video or download the video ourselves. But the point for this video player is to be able to pause and play (duh), also being able to control the volume, the speed on how the video is going. All this is made with slider so people can easily use this. But we also had a rewind type button which allowed you to go back for 10 seconds in the video. As wells as a forward button that let you go head 25 seconds. This lab is pretty important, we can have videos in future projects with our personal custom video player. We would be able to work with companies who use this, which we will be easily be able to understand the work made by them.

Lab 23

For this lab we had to create a type of check list. The way the check list works is by once pressing on the item of the list, the item will be crossed out.  A trick we did for this lab was having the option to shift click and be able to cross out everything in that list. This was pretty neat since we worked with inputs. This lab was interesting since we can combine different labs with this lab to create pretty interesting. We can style it differently or give it a different purpose then just crossing out in a list.

Lab 22

For this lab we had to create a website that a p tag that when pressed the javascript will be changed. This would mean that the javascript would change the size of the font as well as the color of the p tag. It would also create a object that contained properties of name and age. The text would change color and size, but the javascript would change only inside the console log. This would help since with the press of a key it can change the size of the font and the color on the text we desire. I could possibly have it in my portfolio as a secret.     In this lab we were supposed to create a web page that has a p tag that when pressed JavaScript. The JavaScript would change the size of the font and then the color of it, as well as the text. Then it would create an object with the properties of name and age, they will later be called upon in the script. The script would go through the object and then display the information for the console to displ...

Lab 21

For this lab we had to create a canvas. The point for this lab was to have the canvas allow us to draw on it. What we had to do was be able to make the website as a 2d plane. Therefore it would be able to let us draw what we desired with the movement of our mouse. The color of the "paint" changed frequently when using the canvas, it had multiple colors. The lab was useful since it's a pretty cool concept if we decide on trying to get the attention of people of different ages. However we can use the tricks we learned in this lab so we can have a special effect when moving our mouse.

Lab 20

For this lab we had to create a flex panel. The flex panel are supposed to expand when you click on the image you chose. The panel would also have text throughout the whole panels. The words would be readable vertical and horizontal. The images i used were based on the series of Dbz.  This lab is pretty important for me since I had an idea of using this for possibly my homepage, but i will continue in the search of the perfect homepage.

Lab 19

For this lab we are continuing doing our array cardio like the past lab. With this new lab we chose to keep similar but the different was that we were to make objects with peoples name, birth. With another array we had to have a statement of some sort that a fellow classmate has responded. Aside of having their statement, we were to ask for their School Id and put it inside, in the arrays. One were asked if they we're adults based on their date of birth. This lab is very important since, with such information we can do data tables without doing much work. We can let our arrays do the work and organize the table for us too. This will be helpful for future labs.

Lab 18

For this lab we had to choose different women that have been famous and why were they famous. But it wasn't going to be a visual thing but in the console log. This was organized by many arrays, these women included names, year of birth, year of death, and the reason of being famous. This lab is very important since, with such information we can do data tables without doing much work. We can let our arrays do the work and organize the table for us too. This will be helpful for future labs.