
Showing posts from February, 2019

Credit worthy ?

What we did for this website was based it off on our class topic. Credit worthiness! How do we measure that? With a couple of questions we can find out how worthy you are with your credit. We created the questions as a group. We almost came up with the answers and how it sound be able to work. This will help us to be responsible with our credit. So we don't mess up in the future like other people do. We will be ahead of the people. After answering the 15 questions the website will give a number of the credit worthiness you have.

Taxes Website

For this website we created 2 sections plus the homepage. Our class have been working on everfi, this website teaches the real world problems going on. We were given a section of what the website was based on. We were assigned team based on table members. The hot pink unicorns was created by putting Akash, Alex and I together. We all did our work to improve the website the most possible. Our topic was based on Taxes and Insurances. Akash was in charge of most of the coding, while alex helped with the code as well. I was up to look for the content the website based on the topic that was given to us. This helps us to work as teammates and do things in less time. But it all depends on the effort there is in the team.


For this Poster we created 2 sections plus the homepage. Our class have been working on everfi, this website teaches the real world problems going on.  We were given a section of what the website was based on. We were assigned team based on table members. The hot pink unicorns was created by putting Akash, Alex and I together. We all did our work to improve the website the most possible. Our topic was based on Taxes and Insurances. Akash was in charge  of most of the coding, while alex helped with the code as well. I was up to look for the content the website based on the topic that was given to us. This helps us to work as teammates and do things in less time. But it all depends on the effort there is in the team. All we did for the POSTER was create a decent looking poster that should off our website and describing how we did the website. We stuck with the pink throughout the whole website and Poster.


The Cte Expo, the last time for the seniors. This was filled with mixed emotions, happiness and sadness. Happiness because we don't have to suffer with annoying freshmen anymore. However this sad because these freshmen are most likely to be easier then the future, since our actions will depend if we get the job or connections that will be made. The Cte Expo was better than last year, more freshmen seem to be interested, but wouldn't want to talk to neither sophomores or juniors or Seniors. I think something we can improve on for the sophomores is, instead of having boards, we can have all the chairs in the middle of the class and have a 5-10 minute video showing how the sophomores are working on photoshop or any application taught at the moment. Have the sophomore pick the top 5 that can represent the work. So there's more space in the class so students walk around and see what freshmen are the most interested as well.